How I'd rate myself on IQ, EQ and XQ!
Aug 18, 2023
Here is how I get things done… DECIDE & GO!
Anyone on my team knows this is how I operate. Decide on the thing… and do it!
Wasn’t always this way. In fact, it used to be excruciating! I used to be getting ready to get ready, but never actually DOING the thing!
We have all been there - especially the recovered perfectionists and stress addicts among us - preparing and preparing more and organising every bloody duck in the row that needs to be organised, fluffing them up, checking, double checking, not feeling ready, the second duck had a feather out of place, the 5th one was the wrong colour….you get the idea.
And in the meantime weeks, months, YEARS passed by.
We have all heard of:
🤓 IQ - Intelligence Quotient - a measure of a person's cognitive abilities or intelligence.
❤️ EQ - Emotional Quotient - the ability to recognise and understand one's own emotions and the emotions of others.
But what about:
🥷 XQ - Execution Quotient - the ABILITY TO GET SHIT DONE!
Pre 2013, on a scale of 1-10, back when I procrastinated about doing stuff:
🤓 IQ - 7 - I worked hard academically and it took me so far, I learned I was quite smart if I worked hard
❤️ EQ - 4 - I was emotionally a lot less available. I found it awkward when others were weak emotionally. I was defensive. I felt like I had to prove myself all the time. This was utterly exhausting.
🥷 XQ - 3 - I managed to pull off a “she has her shit together” mask. The truth? I didn’t. Debilitating perfectionism, imposter syndrome, not knowing who the fuck I was meant that although business on the outside was good, I always felt like I was underperforming. I was SO SLOW to create new things. I turned down so many opportunities because I didn't feel like I could cope.
Now, nearly 10yrs later, I’d rate myself:
🤓 IQ - 5 - The more I learn the less I know. I'm open to changing my mind and growing new ideas and concepts.
❤️EQ - 8 - Finally realised my life, businesses, relationships and health would only grow as fast as I could grow. This meant managing my emotions. It meant improving my relationship with myself. It meant handling uncertainty and becoming comfortable with not knowing.
Growing my confidence in who I was allowed me to hold space and be compassionate towards others. It allowed me to become more authentic in my personal and professional relationships
🥷XQ - 9 - If there is now ONE area I excel in, it’s this:
Doing the damn thing.
Even when it’s boring.
Even when I don’t want to.
Even when I’m scared.
Because I said I would.
Sometimes you HAVE to fail, f**k it up and get it wrong to KNOW what the answer is.
Audit yourself, we are all always a work in progress and the best thing is it’s an Infinite game!
What’s your score?
Love Rachel
At Chase Life Consulting we specialise in the physical and cognitive health optimization and strategic performance of female entrepreneurs and executives.
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Rachel & David