How CJ Conquered Burnout & Saved Her Sanity!

burnout business growth client results success Sep 12, 2023

CJ has a thriving business in the UK and a team who depend on her. By most people’s standards she was already very successful. But she was utterly overwhelmed and barely coping.

She was in full “decision paralysis”... 

Couldn’t see a way forward for the business or for herself… 

CJ was lacking confidence in her ability to be a leader for her staff…

Felt like an imposter or like she didn’t deserve to be in that space…

She would fill her time with endless tasks and to-do lists that, if she didn’t complete by the end of the day, she’d use it as a big stick to beat herself with…

It made her feel useless and she felt like she was letting everybody down…

This fed into every aspect of her life, and the self-judgement followed her everywhere.

CJ enrolled with us in our private mentorship programme. We helped her to reveal, and then break free from, the blindspots and the subconscious programmes that were keeping her stuck.

“Immediately I just started stepping up. I knew the kind of leader that I wanted to be, and I just stepped into it”

“I started making better decisions. Everything started opening up in front of me. I was no longer worried about the consequences because I knew it was true to my values… and it was incredibly freeing.”

“Working with Rachel and David just opened my eyes. It gave me the tools to recognise and change my behaviour and my state. It’s incredibly empowering when you know that you can change your state at the drop of a hat. To be able to walk into a room and command that space. To be able to turn your brain off when you go home and allow yourself to relax. I found that incredibly empowering.”

If you already know that the biggest obstacle in your business is you…

If you’re perpetually stressed and overwhelmed…

If you’re on the verge of burnout…

If you’re consumed by imposter syndrome and self doubt…

If you’re being a perfectionist and overthinking…

Then we can help!



At Chase Life Consulting we specialise in the physical and cognitive health optimization and strategic performance of female entrepreneurs and executives.

If you are looking to get into amazing shape and become a better leader within your business or organization APPLY HERE for our Private Mentorship Program.   

We are excited to connect with you! 

Rachel & David 



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